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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Java Kickstart - MyApplet - Write Your First Applet for Your Blog

    Install Net Beans IDE ,
    that you can download from the Sun website

    From Menu Select

    File>>New Project (Ctl+Shift+N), Select Java Class Library

    Next Type MyApplet as Project Name

    and c:\MyJava as the directory (you will use this later also)


    Now in Projects Tab Your Project Root Tree is listed and created Under 'MyApplet'

    Now its time to Add an Applet to your Project

    Right Click to get Context Menu then select New>>Applet..

    A dialog will appear , Note that you have a Recommended Name NewApplet, Leave As is and Click Finish

    Now you will See Your 'NewApplet' listed in the Navigation tree and your Code '' in the right pane

    To start with:
    just above the main Function use the import statement to include the awt libraries

    Awt is the Abstract Window Toolkit Class Libraries that we are using now to access Color and Graphics features

    Just under the init( ) procedure add the paint procedure as described below

    A little explanation of the code, We're playing with the color values,

    Each color is composed of three components

    r--red (0-255)

    g--green (0-255)

    b--blue (0-255)

    In the above code what we are simply doing is looping the paint code and change the drawn
    color to all possible combination in an incremental fashion

    Our drawing code is making a new Color, assigning it to graphics,

    And then printing a "Hello World" statement at position x=10,y=10

    Now to test your Applet Select>>RtClick>>Run File

    If eve is Ok, Your First Applet is Ready and should run in Flashing Colors in a new

    Use Build>>Stop Build/Run to Stop it

    Now I'll guide you to place this applet on your webpage or blog

    In your Explorer Open the Location c:\MyJava (You selected this location at initial steps)

    Further Move into the build folder

    Here netbeans have generated an HTML File you can open it to preview in your browser

    Here is how it looked in my firefox browser

    To place it on your webpage , you need to place it online, if you own a website you probably
    have ftp access to your website

    Upload the classes folder (including MyApplet.class) to your location where your webpages
    are placed

    Get the URL of your applet classes folder

    If your URL is

    You can use this
    HTML code to embed in your blog

    <applet codebase="" code="NewApplet.class" width=300 height=100></applet>

    Here's How it will Function:-

    Here is the source code of this example

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